Getting to Know Us
The Bridge Between Eurasia and America

Twenty-eight years ago, Nadia had said, “I will go wherever you go.” Little did she realize one day it would mean America. We left everything in Moscow – not only our belongings, but also our parents and families, to follow God’s calling. We knew that our homeland needed the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ more than anything! Despite the fact that we couldn't speak a word of English, we knew we had to come to America to receive help for our people.
The Lord enabled the overcoming of many difficult circumstances. TEAR was founded one year later. The Lord had plans beyond any of our expectations. For TEAR, Nadia and Leo, that meant becoming a bridge between America and Russia, between adults and children (the Russian orphans), between the saved and the lost.
The Lord “calls” each of us in a personal way. Could it be that the Lord is calling you to be a “bridge” as well? Our pastor’s quote: “You are never more like Jesus than when you are giving!” brings a deeper understanding of God’s calling. That giving may mean a major life change as it did with Nadia and Leo. Giving may be a gift of time to go to Russia on a short term mission trip, ministering to the orphans, the lost, the churches. That giving may be giving dollars to enable others to go, to feed the hungry, equip the struggling Russian churches, building up and equipping them to be the homeland missionaries.
70 + people went on various mission trips to Russia in 2010
2010 was the 13th year that 40,000-45,000 orphans participated in the Fantasies to Faith Art Contest.
Conference for 200 Russian speaking pastors from US/Canada was held in Philadelphia and the “Six Core Values of Sunday School” was introduced. Many pastors committed to further implementation of this S. S. strategy, bringing about the introduction of Sunday School for adults for the first time in their churches. Slavic churches in US/Canada, Germany, Russia, Ukraine and across the former USSR are interested in implementing this strategy. A conference is planned for over 300 pastors in Kiev, Ukraine.
Working with leaders of Christian Evangelical Churches of Russia (over 700 churches) implementing the S.S. model. We now have the first church in Moscow using this model.
2011 - translating and publishing Bro. Johnny Hunt’s book, “Building Your Leadership Resume.”
Smolensk Christian music studio built and equipped with recording equipment, high quality, TEAR participated and even secular groups are using the studio, a wonderful outreach opportunity!
My Child project is always helping to advance the Gospel among orphanages and youth. Many physical needs are being met to improve orphans’ living conditions.
“Yes” to Jesus means GIVING! How would you like to give to enable TEAR to continue to be a “bridge” from America to Russia - a gift of prayer, a mission trip, a financial gift to enable others to go? Your end of the year financial gift would enable TEAR to continue to further the Gospel and these many ministries to those in need. Won’t you be a support pillar for God’s “bridge”?
Leo and Nadia